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How to qualify for a nsfas bursary


How to qualify for a nsfas bursary

How to qualify for a nsfas bursary : The following basic requirements must be met in order to apply for any of the NSFAS bursaries; applicants must:

  • Be South African citizens
  • Comply with the entry requirements set by the universities of their choice / have proof of registration or acceptance to said university

Once successfully awarded the bursary, students must pass all courses and complete the qualification within the minimum time frame prescribed by the particular university to avoid the risk of having to repay the bursary amount.
In some cases, bursars may be required to report their particular NSFAS bursary exam results in order to continue to receive funding.
All applications will require certified copies of the following:

  • ID document
  • Grade 12 results
  • Parent/guardian’s ID and employment documents (salary slips/pensions slips if applicable/affidavit if unemployed)
  • Proof of university acceptance/registration


Unless otherwise stated, the bursary fund will allow for a portion of, if not all of, the following study-related costs:

  • Tuition
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Travel
  • Prescribed books/study material


The amounts prescribed for the above-mentioned costs will be dependent on the outcome of the NSFAS Means Test. This test assesses to what extent the student’s family can contribute – mainly through determining the gross annual family income. Students can qualify for varying amounts up to the maximum of R60 000 per year.


Vocational and Further Education and Training (FET) courses are those that offer education and training for students who plan to work towards a specific range of jobs or employment possibilities.

In some cases, students may qualify for admission to the University of Technology in order to continue their studies at a higher level. In order to qualify for this bursary, candidates must demonstrate that their potential for academic success with a minimum overall average of 50%.


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